Preferensi Wisatawan Pada Daya Tarik Wisata Budaya (Studi Kasus: Pasar Kreneng)
Tourist Attraction, Tourist Characteristics, Tourist Preferences, Seven EnchantmentsAbstract
Seven Enchantments on a tourist attraction generally has an important role in supporting the development of a tourist attraction. The desire of tourists to visit a tourist attraction to make it a tourist spot is of course influenced by each tourist's characteristics and preferences. This study aims to determine the characteristics and preferences of tourists as supporting data in improving the quality of Seven Enchantments on the tourist attraction of Pasar Kreneng. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive research type. The collection technique is distributing questionnaires with data collection tools in the form of questionnaires. The population in this study are tourists who visit and carry out culinary tourism activities at tourist attraction of Pasar Kreneng. The sampling technique used is a non-probability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis and uses chi-square analysis to find out whether there are differences or not from the demographics of tourists to Seven Enchantments. The results showed that the characteristics of tourists were dominated by men with tourists aged 17 to 25 years with a high school/equivalent educational background and work background as private employees. Types of tourists to Pasar Kreneng are groups with a frequency of visits of more than 4 times, getting information from family/friends. The results obtained from the chi-square analysis are that there is no difference from the demographics of tourists to Seven Enchantments. And for the preferences of tourists visiting tourist attraction of Pasar Kreneng based on Seven Enchantments, it produces the highest value: beauty (94%), memories (94%), followed by coolness (89%), friendliness (88%), then orderliness (82%), safety. (68%) and finally there is cleanliness (56%).
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