Pengembangan Taman Nusa Gianyar Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata


  • Kadek Indra Kurniawan Program Studi Diploma IV Manajemen Pariwisata, Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Eka Mahendra Program Studi Diploma IV Manajemen Pariwisata, Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Pande Putu Juniarta Program Studi Diploma IV Manajemen Pariwisata, Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Denpasar, Indonesia


Development, Taman Nusa, Tourist Attraction


Taman Nusa is a comprehensive cultural park situated in Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia. The primary objective of establishing this location is to preserve and acquaint tourists with the rich and varied cultural heritage of Indonesia. Taman Nusa was established in 2011 and has since gained significant popularity as a prominent tourist attraction in Bali. Given the diverse range of possibilities and distinctive characteristics inherent to Taman Nusa, it is only natural that a significant number of visitors would be inclined to visit this destination for the purpose of sightseeing. Nevertheless, Taman Nusa Gianyar has seen a significant decrease in visitor numbers in recent years. Undoubtedly, the global occurrence of this event may be attributed to the Covid-19 epidemic. The aforementioned circumstance had a significant influence on the progression of Taman Nusa, leading to the encounter with diverse challenges and impediments. Thus, it is imperative to implement a development plan to sustain the potential of Taman Nusa and rekindle visitor influx. Research using descriptive qualitative methods involves the acquisition of data via several approaches of data collecting, including observation, interviews, questionnaires, and document studies. In addition to employing data analysis techniques, specifically the utilization of the IFAS matrix, EFAS matrix, and SWOT matrix, the evaluation of the Development of Gianyar Nusa Park as a Tourist Attraction places it within quadrant I. This positioning supports the adoption of an aggressive strategy, capitalizing on the existing opportunities and strengths of Taman Nusa. Consequently, the primary focus of the strategy should be directed towards mitigating internal challenges, thereby enabling the proper exploitation of market opportunities.


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