Penerapan Standar Operasional Prosedur Penyimpanan Bahan Makanan Di The Setai Hotel Miami Beach


  • I Gede Bagus David Erlangga Diploma III Perhotelan, Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Eka Sudarmawan Diploma III Perhotelan, Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Denpasar, Indonesia


Implementation, Standard, Operational Procedures


This study aims to investigate the application of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for food storage at The Setai Hotel Miami Beach. The research was conducted within a span of 3 months starting from October to December. The data analysis technique used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique by observing, documenting and interviewing informants, namely chefs and kitchen staff to find out the application of applicable standard operating procedures. From the results of field research that the authors conducted from October to December at The Setai Hotel Miami Beach, chefs and kitchen staff who are in charge of handling food storage often occur, there are still some kitchen staff who don't do storage. dry groceries in the right place. not damp, some kitchen employees are also not careful in storing food ingredients, and some kitchen employees still wash raw chicken before storing. It can be concluded that the implementation of SOP by the kitchen staff at The Setai Hotel Miami Beach has met the requirements very well. This is evidenced by the implementation of 77.77% SOP of The Setai Hotel Miami Beach.


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