Peran Industri Kerajinan Tangan dan Pengembangan Handicraft dalam Mendukung Pariwisata di Desa Mas (Studi Kasus di CV. Ari Bali)
Tourism, Handicraft, Mas VillageAbstract
Tourism plays a very important role in generating income for the Indonesian economy. The tourism sector is one of the main pillars in regional development because of its contribution to increasing income in the region. This study aims to investigate how the handicraft industry and handicraft development play a role in supporting the tourism sector in Mas Village (Case Study at CV Ari Bali). This research is planned to last for 6 months, starting from January to June 2023. The method that will be used in the research is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through interviews with related parties and direct observation at the research location. as well as using some documentation such as photographs or supporting documents as needed. The results of the study show that based on the data obtained, it shows that the role of the CV Ari Bali handicraft industry in supporting tourism in Mas Village is as an exporter so that it has an important role in the field of trade and a good opportunity to improve people's welfare, especially in the economic aspect, preventing unemployment, and introducing the name Bali, especially the handicraft industry and its products in the global market. The potential in developing handicrafts to support tourism in Mas Village is that most of the people are wood sculpture makers and this village is one of the tourism routes. While the obstacle faced is the reduction in human resources for wood sculpture craftsmen from the youth group in Mas Village.
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