Penerapan Standar Operasional Prosedur Make Up Room Di Nandini Jungle Resort And SPA


  • I Gede Aldi Dianata Putra Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Gusti Ayu Eka Suwintari Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Bali, Indonesia


Application, Standard Operaring Procedures, Housekeeping


Nandini Jungle Resort And Spa is a hotel location in Payangan-Gianyar. This hotel has the vision of Discover a luxury experience, which mean Nandini is ready to provide the best staying experience that feels like an unforgettable forest. It can be interpreted that all departments in hotel operations must provide the best service for every customer who stays at the Nandini Jungle Resort And Spa. However, during the make up room process there were several problems, especially in the handling of standard operating procedures. This study aims to determine the implementation of standard operating procedures carried out by employees of hotel Nandini Jungle Resort And Spa. Then, this research can also find some gaps between the standards that have been determined and their application. Supervisor Housekeeping Department Nandini Jungle Resort And Spa became the subject of this research and the object of this research is the application of standard operating procedures for make up room. Methods of interview and direct observation of the application of standard operating procedures that researchers do with the aim of obtaining accurate data. In addition, researches also use the documentation method with the aim of obtaining accurate sources in the form of photos related to research. The results of the study explain that there are several standard operating procedures that are not applied to the housekeeping department, namely cleaning the bathroom floor and cleaning the entrance door. So that application of standard operating procedures for make up room doesn’t run optimally.


Fadilah, A. R. (2019). Sistem Pencarian Lokasi Hotel Berdasarkan Rute Terpendek Untuk Pengunjung Objek Wisata Alam Di Kota Medan Menggunakan Algoritma Dijkstra. JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer), 6(1), 106-111.





