Uji Kualitas & Minat Konsumen Terhadap Cocktail Kemenuh di Holy Tirtha Cafe, Sanur, Denpasar
Beverage, Kemenuh, Consumer AssessmentAbstract
Holy Tirtha Café is a kind of easygoing café. Aside from introducing an agreeable and Instagrammable spot, Holy Tirtha Café like wise gives a menu of beverages produced using arak, to be specific the Kemenuh Mixed drink. The information in this study were acquired through meetings, documentation and polls. The examination procedure utilized in this study was quantitative illustrative information investigation by appropriating surveys to 30 specialists on 5 purchaser assessment factors, specifically taste, fragrance, surface, variety, and furthermore evaluating the buyer's advantages. The example of this examination is buyers who have purchased and attempted kemenuh mixed drinks. The general consequence of the shopper evaluation of the kemenuh mixed drink at Heavenly Tirtha Bistro, Sanur, Denpasar, got a typical score of 3.8 with a decent translation. With a depiction of the two classes of shopper evaluations, to be specific great and excellent classifications. The flavor of mixed drink evaluation got a score of 3.86 with a decent understanding, smell of mixed drink got a score of 3.93 with a decent translation, surface of mixed drink got a score of 3.63 with a decent understanding, shade of mixed drink got a score of 4.03 with a generally excellent understanding. Furthermore, deciding about buyer interest, 70% are keen on Kemenuh mixed drink. The consequences of this review are supposed to be valuable for knowing the quality test and purchaser interest in kemenuh mixed drinks at Holy Tirtha Cafe, Sanur, Denpasar.
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