Kualitas Keripik Berbahan Dasar Daun Belimbing


  • Gede Getsuyobi Raditya Putra Baskara Diploma III Perhotelan, Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Gede Dirga Surya Arya Widhyandanta Diploma III Perhotelan, Institut Pariwisata Dan Bisnis Internasional, Denpasar, Indonesia


starfruit leaf chips, durability, quality, organoleptic test


This study discusses the innovation of starfruit leaves which are processed into chips through the process of frying starfruit leaves mixed with flour. The purpose of this study was to determine the durability, quality, and public interest in chips made from starfruit leaves based on aroma, texture, color, and taste. Researchers have conducted a survey for similar products, but no one has marketed chips made from starfruit leaves. The results showed that the shelf life of these chips made from starfruit leaves could last for 2 weeks. Researchers have provided samples for organoleptic tests by making chips products made from starfruit leaves. Organoleptic test results were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 15 respondents. Based on these four indicators, the taste is categorized as very good, the aroma is categorized as quite fragrant, the texture is categorized as crunchy, and the color is categorized as good..


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